El colectivo Tresxxx será quien dé el pistoletazo de salida al II Ciclo Muévete en Directo con un objetivo claro: conseguir ese pequeño cambio que haga al mundo un sitio más decente y justo para vivir. Para ello nos ofrecen el próximo fin de semana desde el Centro de Historia de Zaragoza un Festival con escasos precedentes en la capital aragonesa. El viernes hará parada en Zaragoza el Bad Taste Tour, que visita durante 16 días las ciudades más importantes de Europa con las bandas de su sello, Satanic Surfers, Venerea y All Systems Go, acompañadas por la formación local Big Head Down. El sábado será el día del rock‘n’roll en todas sus variantes y podremos apreciar el directo de Kuraia, The Jrewing, The Vicious Five y los zaragozanos Persona. Alternativa musical sobresaliente.


:::::::: Tresxxx Weekend (ama la música, odia el fascismo) ::::::::

Que la música amansa  a las fieras, es un dicho popular no excesivamente correcto para definir este fin de semana. Porque nadie puede quedar indiferente a estas dos  vertiginosas noches que nos esperan el próximo 18 y 19 de noviembre en el Centro de Historia de Zaragoza. Descarga de watios y de mensaje,  y para ello cedemos el altavoz a las MEJORES bandas de la escena musical alternativa europea. Música con un contenido intelectual alto, no apto para adormilados cerebros sedientos de operación triunfo. Un sueño adolescente hecho realidad,   porque no somos más que casi treintañeros que siguen viviendo un ideal de juventud con la misma ilusión que hace 10 años. Seguramente esta ciudad sumida en largo letargo cultural no se merezca este tipo de eventos, pero desde tresxxx queremos intentarlo, queremos respirar aire nuevo y luchar por lo que siempre nos ha gustado y hemos creído, y gracias a la cultura y al conocimiento creemos poder conseguir ese pequeño cambio que haga al mundo un sitio más decente y justo para vivir. Hemos trabajado duro para traer el mejor Festival posible, seguro que hay bandas más conocidas, más famosas y que toquen mejor pero estos grupos emanan honestidad a raudales.

::: Viernes

Para la noche del viernes contamos con la presencia del Bad Taste Tour que visita durante 16 días las ciudades más importantes de Europa entre ellas nuestra inmortal y heroica Zaragoza. Bad Taste es un sello independiente que nos está ofreciendo bandas de la talla internacional de Danko Jones, Last days of April o en este caso a los archiconocidísimos Satanic Surfers que han sido cabezas de cartel en los más importantes Festivales de todo el mundo (Festimad por ejemplo). Junto a ellos estarán por segunda vez en zaragoza Venerea un combo sueco haciendo un hardcore contundente,  y los canadienses All Systems Go!!!! con un punk rock ramoniano que en su último disco contaba con la colaboración de gente de Smashing Pumpkins, ahí es nada. Para empezar y como siempre dentro de todos los concierto que tresxxx organiza contaremos con la colaboración de una banda de la ciudad,  Big Head Down no participarán  como teloneros,  sino como compañeros de viaje de una gran velada de punk  rock.

::: Sábado

Para el sábado el concepto musical cambia. Dejamos a un lado la melodías post californianas y  nos adentramos en un universo de rifss para los amantes del más genuino rock‘n’roll en todas sus variantes. Kuraia,  es dolor, es fuerza, es algo inmenso. No existe una banda en la península capaces de hacerles sombra en el escenario. Una auténtica apisonadora sónica, oscuros y densos  con el toque stoner mas actual, precisos y axfisantes. Así se nos presentan estos cuatro grandes músicos  nacidos de las cenizas de Dut, El Corazon del Sapo y Anestesia. Verles en directo es un espectáculo digno de los más sibaritas. Para  The Jrewing no existen  palabras para definir lo que esta consagrada banda aporta en el escenario. Los que tuvimos la suerte de verles en el c.s.a arrebato hace unos tres años en un caluroso mes de agosto sabrán de qué hablo. Un grupo que ha ido subiendo como la espuma, y que es un lujo poder tener en estos momentos en nuestra ciudad, porque nosotros lo sabemos que  ellos van a ser muy muy  grandes. Recién fichados por sony y compañeros de gira de Mars Volta o Turbonegro nos presentaran su nuevo trabajo Maelstroom.  Diez  nuevas bombas  grabadas con mimo y  detalle con un cambio trangresor en  estilo acercándose  a bandas como Jane‘s Addiction o incluso los míticos  Queen, aunque  no hay que llevarse  a engaños, ellos tienen  un  toque personal  que  nadie hastahora ha sabido imitar. Impresionantes  en el escenario con una puesta en escena que recuerda a bandas como At The Drive In. Posiblemente  la ultima vez de poderles ver antes de que sean  los nuevos  The Stooges, Frand Ferdinadz o Block Party
The Vicious Five son también conocidos por la escena más underground zaragozana, muy cercanos en sonido e ideas  a The Internacional Noise Conspirancy,  estos cutro lusos  escupen un  punk rock  de melodías desgarradoras y pose a raudales (soul, rock, funk y punk con mucha clase). Vienen presentando su nuevo disco, así que habrá que prestarles atención. Y abriendo la noche del sábado veremos a Persona, una banda en auténtico ascenso y que desde sementales nos presentan un stoner rock  que bebe directamente de la década de los 90.  Si Kurt Kobain levantara la cabeza estoy seguro que bailaría pogo como cualquiera de nosotros. Imprescindibles y una gran alegría que nos  ha dado nuestra ciudad.

Así es el Tresxxx Weekend, un alegato cultural contra el racismo y la xenofobia, un puerta abierta la entendimiento entre personas, a la cultura creada por y para el disfrute no para el consumo. Bandas imperecederas en el tiempo y que llegan hasta lo mas recóndito de nuestro corazón. Por eso creemos en ellas, ahora falta que zaragoza quiera respirar, nosotros ya no podemos hacer más.

Más Información:


SATANIC SURFERS (suecia/bad taste records)

First off, some history: Satanic Surfers played a major part in the Swedish melodic punk-rock explosion that took place in the mid nineties. Combining strong melodies and fast paced punk-rock with both personal and political lyrics, the band soon reached audiences all over the world. Early influences include bands such as SNFU, RKL and The Misfits. The band was originally founded by Rodrigo and Erik in high school back in ’89. After having gone through the usual line-up changes during its formative years, their debut EP «Skate to Hell» was recorded in ’93. After doing the first two pressings by themselves and selling more than 1,000 copies in a couple of months, the EP was re-released by Bad Taste Records in August ’94, as the first Bad Taste release ever! However, by this time Burning Heart Records had shown interest in the band and the second EP «Keep Out» was released on BHR in September the same year.

Before recording their debut full length album, the band made a line-up change that probably, more than anything, would define the sound of the Satanic Surfers; Rodrigo took over the vocal duties while still playing the drums. Now the band was ready to take on the the world! Satanic Surfers released three consecutive albums on Burning Heart Records between ’95 and ’99: «Hero of our Time», «666 Motor Inn» and «Going Nowhere Fast», with «Hero of our Time» being their most successful release to date reaching 60,000 plus sales. This was during the golden years of melodic punkrock and the band did numerous successful tours in Europe, Canada and Australia with bands like Millencolin, Lag Wagon, Good Riddance and SNFU. Their extensive touring paid off and they soon had a strong following of loyal fans wherever they went, making them one of the biggest punk-rock bands to come out of Sweden at that time.

In 2000, the band decided it was time to make some changes. The collaboration with Burning Heart Records was terminated and Satanic returned to their friends at Bad Taste Records. The two following albums, «Fragments and Fractions» (2000) and «Unconsciously Confined» (2002) showed the band using a less complex songwriting style, with shorter songs. More touring followed and in between the two albums Rodrigo made the decision to hand over the drumming responsibilities and concentrate solely on the vocals. This meant that the band would have a frontman for the first time since 1994 and as a result the live shows became more energetic and the band toured more than ever during 2002.

But enough history. There’s a new Satanic Surfers album about be released on September 12th (slightly different release dates in some territories), the third one on Bad Taste Records. It’s called «Taste the Poison» and sees the band returning to Berno Studios in Malmö, for the second album in a row. After some down time following the 2002 tours, due to members leaving the band and a general need for some time off, Satanic Surfers actually began writing songs for this album more than two years ago. Everyone involved agreed that, since there were no tours booked and no deadlines to meet, there was no rush to record the album. Instead the most important thing was to gather the strongest material possible and enter the studio with the best Satanic Surfers songs ever. With Andy (bass) and Robert (drums) joining Rodrigo, Fredrik and Magnus in 2003 and 2004 respectively, the pieces fell into place and after completing a string of shows during 2004, the band was ready to enter the studio in May 2005.

So what does it sound like? Well, I think it’s safe to say that while the new album has a more aggressive edge to it than the previous two, the music is still based on the melodic vocals that Satanic Surfers are known for. Soundwise it’s superior to all the previous albums, with a clear and powerful sound. When listening to the finished album, you can tell that the extra months put into writing and arranging the songs was time well spent. The songs sound more focused than in a long time. It’s kind of a mixture of the older and more recent sound of the Satanic Surfers, making «Taste the Poison» an album that the entire band is extremely happy with! And finally, what about future plans? You guessed it: touring, touring and more touring. Among other things they will be touring Sweden for the first time in seven years and they will finally make it across to the U.S. for the first time ever!



Más Información:

VENEREA (suecia/bad taste records)

Venerea started in Falkenberg (Sweden) back in 1991 and covered classic eighties punkers such as the Hard-Ons, Gang Green, Bad Religion, and of course the Ramones, as well as some punked-up metal covers.

The first thirty self-penned numbers or so were cut for the two legendary (yeah right…) demos, «From Beer To Eternity» (’92), & «The Second Cuming of Venereal Disease» (’93), that attracted enough attention to get them their first record deal.

Before recording the first of three mini-cd’s for the now defunct Swedish label Brööl, the band shortened their moniker to Venerea, the name of a rocket that the US were supposed to have sent up in the sixties to penetrate the planet Venus and find out what it is made of. «Hullabaloo» (’94) is one of the worst debuts ever released, and is now out of print forever and ever, amen. The band recorded two more MCD:s for the Brööl label, the classic «Shake Your Booty» (’95) & the ill-fated «Swollen» (’96) before deciding it was time to move on.

After considering several offers from European labels they decided to go with German label Gift Of Life. The first thing they did was to re-release the «Shake your booty» album with the «Swollen» songs on it as well making it a fullength record, a record that in it`s various formats have sold more than 15000 copies so far.

The first proper full-length album «Both Ends Burning» (Gift Of Life, ’97) was released and more European tours followed in support of this album and eventually the band started to work with new material. Unfortunately the Gift Of Label ran into economical problems along the way and folded only a year or so after this release.

Two more fullength albums was recorded and released, «Losing Weight, Gaining Ground» (Renate / Community Records ‘00) and «Out In The Red» (People Like You / Century Media ’03). Plenty of touring followed in support of these records, both as headliners, together with Ten Foot Pole and also as a part of the Vans Off The Wall tour with Ignite, SNFU, Deviates and Powerhouse.

The band have just finished recording their still untitled new album which will be out on Bad Taste Records on the 4th of April.



Más Información:


ALL SYSTEMS GO! (Suecia/bad tast records)

LL SYSTEMS GO! are back with a new album so beautiful and mighty that it could only be named Mon Chi Chi. But why the long, lonely wait, it’s been more than three years since 1999’s self-titled debut. Well kids, the story is … after original bassist and contributing songwriter Frank left the band (due to a hatred of touring), the remaining three members (Dean Bentley – drums, Mark Arnold – guitar, John Kastner – vocals, guitar) vowed they would not record until they found a fourth member who did more than fit in; no, they wouldn’t stop looking until they had found their missing link, their long lost brother in rock. To this end, they played with many different and very talented low end men, and along the way they toured America, Canada, Europe and Australia, taking a number of the new recruits on the road for a test drive, but somehow it was never quite right. And then, one day, there was Tom D’Arcy, a young man who played the bass like an old pro, could sing with the best of them, and write the pop hits as well.

With all the pieces together, the band headed to Los Angeles to make a new album. Mon Chi Chi was recorded at famed stoner chateau Donner and Blitzen by Daniel Ray (Ramones, Misfits, Entombed etc), a man the band had known for years and who would understand what they wanted to do; and what the band wanted to do was have a lot of fun making a rock and roll album; and that is exactly what they did. The album was recorded in two weeks and captures a band at the peak of their powers doing what they love. It was mixed by Dave Ogilvie at the Warehouse in Vancouver (Bryan Adam’s studio).

The songwriting on Mon Chi Chi was evenly divided between John and Tom, with Kastner contributing Stooges-fuelled punk anthems, and D’Arcy mixing in his Elvis Costello tinged pop treasures to create an album that is smart, varied, funny, emotional and jam packed with monster rock hits like Motorbikes, Tell Vicky and Normal. Guest musicians and songwriters include Greg Dulli formerly of the Afghan Whigs currently of The Twilight Singers a co-writer on Fascination Unknown, which also features backing vocals by Pete Stahl from Scream; Leonard Phillips of the Dickies lends his pipes to Robots; Running blind was co-written with Ivan Doroschuk; and Melissa Auf Der Mar (Hole/Smashing Pumpkins) brings her lovely harmonies to Megan’s Law.

When asked about the state of nation ALL SYSTEMS GO! and his thoughts on Mon Chi Chi John Kastner had this to say: «We’ve never been happier. The only reason we do this is because we have fun. We’re in no rush to do anything, or get anywhere. This is a very natural record for us, we never had to worry or labor or sweat, we just sat back and enjoyed ourselves, and it came out just the way you hear it, which is just the way we wanted.» And that, as they say, is that. Look for ALL SYSTEMS GO! as they take Mon Chi Chi out on tour to all five continents in 2002 and 2003.


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Desde zaragoza una joven pero ya veterana banda de punk rock melodico con mucha calidad. Una de las propuestas mas interesantes dentro de la siempre activa escana hardcore zaragozana. Medios tiempos y canciones pegadizas para este cuarteto que esta a la espera de editar su primera referencia. Perfectos anfitriones para el comienzo del festival. 


KURAIA (euskal herria/esan ozenki)

Raro y preciado.

Cuando hace dos años, conocí a este grupo, me sorprendieron varias cosas.

La primera sorpresa me la dio el propio nombre: Kuraia. Como todas las palabras jamás utilizadas, el nombre me pilló fuera de juego. Y haciendo mía la costumbre de Nabokov- jugando, me di cuenta de que Kuraia fonéticamente muere detrás de la dentadura, tras mover rápido la lengua bajo el paladar.

Con el tiempo, y dejando de lado los experimentos bucales, he comprobado que ese nombre recoge de manera perfecta el espíritu del grupo. Fuerza, ánimo, enfado. He ahí algunos sinónimos de Kuraia (coraje), he ahí, del diccionario a los voltios, las características de las brillantes canciones del primer álbum. En su día, nos parecieron las mejores oídas en mucho tiempo. Buenos temas: esos que tienen la capacidad de inyectar electricidad a la columna vertebral. Género escaso y preciado.

Pues bien, la inyección ha mejorado. Aquí hay mucho oro. «Iluntasunari barre» es un disco sobresaliente. Mejor que el anterior.

El disco es más maduro no sólo en conjunto sino también por separado. El que cada integrante haya cogido su sitio lleva a una erupción al rojo vivo de la potencialidad que no llegó a explotar en el anterior disco. Y esto aporta un matiz: detalles, composiciones particulares.

Por ejemplo, Joseba (guitarra) se arriesga por nuevas sendas. Tanto por las, en apariencia simples, composiciones que laten -como escondidas- en segundo plano, como por los riffs aparentes que mejoran las canciones. ¿Ejemplos? El intransferible juego de guitarra de la canción «Luze eta iluna» (Largo y oscuro), que sólo puede crear alguien con una visión muy personal. O las digitaciones penta-tónicas, más clásicas digamos, de «Fereka» (Caricia), «Ehiza» (caza) y «Bi aurpegi» (Dos caras). Diablos… ya he dicho unas cuantas!

Y ¿qué os voy a contar del cantante, Fernando? Que esas melodías ¡le tienen que salir a uno eh! (escaso), y que esa voz es privilegio de pocos (preciado). Cruzando la estepa de tu cuerpo en la primavera ácida, gritar que estamos vivos, preguntas desde el otro lado del túnel… sentir el placer en la entrañas, ¡amigo! Ahí tienes los estribillos que querrás corear en los conciertos!

Pero todo eso sería banal sin una base rítmica fuerte. El dicho no falla: «the drum is the most important instrument». Y el bajo, claro. Pues el motor de un grupo siempre está en ese binomio; si no funciona, se acabó. Y ese motor es aún más necesario en las canciones con el sello de Kuraia, cuando la melodía casi siempre gira a graves o cuando nos guían continuamente por los entrantes y salientes de las canciones. Galder, el batería y Anestesia, el bajista, no fallan, no. Lejos de limitarse únicamente a llevar el grupo sobre sus hombros cada uno aporta su toque al grupo.
Precioso disco



Más Información:


THE JREWING (Suecia/Sony)

Hardcore legends return to reclaim throne. This is a notice to all the other ‘alternative‘ hardcore bands out there: JR Ewing thank you for keeping their regal seat warm but they now request that you humbly step down as the kings are back. With old vinyl releases going for a song on eBay and previous album ‘Ride Paranoia‘ setting a benchmark in modern music not seen since Refused, these royal Norwegians have done it again with ‘Maelstrom‘, a progressive record that knocks the last Coheed & Cambria out of the park (and presumably back to their ‘Dungeons & Dragons‘ basement dens). Similar in tone to the likes of Minus and Das Oath, ‘Maelstrom‘ ups the rock ‘n‘ roll content of their sound, all shimmy and switchblades and all the more stunning for it. Inventive and immersive, for 2005 this is the true shape of punk to come.

NME (UK)(8/10):
«Maybe if someone shot them, they‘d get the attention they really deserve» (8/10)

«Catharsis is achieved, the metaphor for rock ‘n‘ roll energy is deposited, and you can use your wounded gear the day after next. Ride Paranoia is this intelligent obliteration.»

«JR Ewing have re-instilled my faith in rock music, and if someone up there in heaven is listening, please bring JR Ewing to NYC because I would love to see what this band can unleash live on stage.»

«You don‘t want this album. You need it.»

«Do not ignore this record. One listen and you won’t be able to. Escapism is bliss and JR Ewing will make you forget.»

«JR Ewing might be a mainstay in its home of Norway, but can be considered one of the most formidable new groups to grace the United States in 2003.»

«In defiance of the current crop of underground bands, JR Ewing seem more intent on getting people to move it on the dancefloor, instead of hugging the back wall.»

«Sheer unadulterated rock power, scratchy fucked up Telecasters, and tonsil tearing vocals combine to make a concoction that please high kicking hardcore fanatics and head bobbing mathematicians alike. I think I‘m moving to Norway.




THE VICIOUS FIVE (Portugal/looprecordings)

THE VICIOUS FIVE!!! This quintet was born out of an invisible Lisbon, made of suburban trips, of boredom as fuel and motive of copyright crimes and of the praise of celebration over spectacle. Their punkrock foundations are set in combos such has X-acto, Sannyasin, Renewal, Croustibat or As Good As Dead. Somewhere in 2003, Paulo S., Rui M., Joaquim A., Edgar L. e Bruno C. band up with a good name and a few ideas. Later that year they self release their debut EP «THE ELECTRIC CHANTS OF THE DISENCHANTED». Since then they have been playing around Portugal and Spain, and are now promoting their most recent release, their debut album: «UP ON THE WALLS». The album was released in Portugal by the local label, LOOP RECORDINGS, in late summer 2005. The campaign for the youth uprising is on the road. Come all, come together for the PARTY and the Revolution. CELEBRATE IS REVOLUTION! If the future is ours, we want it NOW! POWER TO THE KIDS!

Más información… mp3 and more:


PERSONA (Zaragoza)

Persona es la mejor banda de rock de zaragoza eso lo sabemos todos los que una y otra vez acudimos a ver sus actuaciones. No es una banda rock mas, beben del stoner del grunge de pa psicodelia de las mas sibaritas y exquistos acordes que jamas ha dado el rock ‘n roll. Potentes desgarardores y sencillos. Poder a valvulas desde el desierto de los monegros. Vienen d egrabar un nuevo disco en los estudios ultramarinos costa brava en sat feliuy de guixols, donde han grabado bandas como stand still, tokio sex destruction y un largo etc. van a llegar lejos y nosotros estamos orgullosos de ellos.

Más información… mp3:

Cartel del Festival TRESXXX WEEKEND

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